Nokia X2-01 Multitasking - Run multiple Apps Tutorial
Friends you all know about the mobile phone giant Nokia.It is one
among the renowned mobile phone manufacturers,Nokia’s series 40 phones
are very popular because of its low cost and high efficiency,but these
are not smartphones which are used to do heavy computing,rather these
are just a jvm(java virtual machine) based mobiles used as multimedia
phones,it is not at all designed for multitasking,but now our s40 geeks
found a new way for multitasking with least effects on your phone,I’ll
tell you how.
to hack phones security you need J.A.F software and a computer,I’ll explain the procedure in steps.
step 1:
Install j.a.f and run it through Pkey,now connect your phone,goto “BB5″ column,and tick “read pp” button and hit service.
step 2:
Tick upload pp and hit service button,your phone will now go into test mode,a pop window will appear,choose the edited pp,J.A.F will upload pp file to your phone,finally the phone restarts,that’s it now you have hacked your phones security.
multitasking works only with s40 v5 and higher phones,but you can hack security of any s40 phones
S40 hacking
Security system of s40 phones are designed in such a way that for every single change the phone will ask the user to grant permission,sometimes it is very annoying while using unsigned application so you need to hack phones security,to hack phones security you need J.A.F software and a computer,I’ll explain the procedure in steps.
Install j.a.f and run it through Pkey,now connect your phone,goto “BB5″ column,and tick “read pp” button and hit service.
Now you will get pp file of your phone and
save it,open that file with any text editors such as notepad,word-pad,
or notepad++ you must be some what careful here,
for s40 v3 phones change the value of 28th line to 2 from 1,that is “28 2″
for s40 v5 and v6 phones change the value of 48th line to 2,that is “48 2″
some phones show only three fields on their pp file,then just add 48 2 below set 1 like this
Tick upload pp and hit service button,your phone will now go into test mode,a pop window will appear,choose the edited pp,J.A.F will upload pp file to your phone,finally the phone restarts,that’s it now you have hacked your phones security.
After you hacked your phone’s security then take the application you want to minimize ,extract that jar file to a folder then modify “” file of that jar file,it is found inside manifest folder,and add this code at very last line of the file,Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit: True
make sure that ‘MID’ in above code are in capitals,
Repack the jar file and install it in your mobile,and then run the
application.Now if you press the red button,the application will not ask
you to exit,rather it disappears(minimizes),click on the application
again to restore it.multitasking works only with s40 v5 and higher phones,but you can hack security of any s40 phones