Hide Files and Folders Behind Images


How to Hide Files and Folders Behind Images (Without Any Software)

hiding a file in image format how to hide
Normally, when we wish to hide some secret files, we save it inside folders of non-related names or by creating folder-inside folders. But what if we could hide it ‘behind’ some file say, an image file; things get much better, isn’t it?. In this article we are going to look into an interesting method to hide files or folders inside ‘jpeg’ images.
Note: Hiding a file inside an image implies that, when he opens the image, he will be able to see the picture but not the file. If we want to see the file hidden in it, we have to open it using another specific method. I am going to do this trick in Command Prompt (CMD) in Windows Operating System.  You MUST have any file compressing software like WINRAR, WINZIP or 7ZIP on your system before you proceed to the steps.


Step 1: Select an image (preferably a jpeg image) to be used for hiding file behind the image.
Step 2: Now select the file which is to hidden behind the image and convert it in ‘.RAR’ format using WinRAR or into ‘.zip’ format using WinZip/7ZIP software.
Step 3: Paste both the files on desktop. (You may do this anywhere else too if you have more understanding on cmd command lines).
Step 4: Now open cmd. (Go to Start => All Programs => Accessories => Command Prompt)
Step 5: Type  cd desktop  and press enter (We have now changed the directory to desktop)
Step 6: After that type the command >> Copy /b name_image.jpg + name_file.rar  name_final.jpg
Replace name_image with the name of image you want your file to be hidden behind.
Replace name_file with name of your file you want to hide which is now in the compressed format (.zip or .rar) . (Do not mess up with the formats in the cmd.)
Replace name_final with whatever name you want your final image with hidden files should be. This is the image where your file will be hidden at the end.
Step 7: After typing the command, press enter.
Step 8: The new image appears at the desktop. Note that the size of the new image will be equal to the sum of the size of the original image and that of the hidden file. Now, when you try to open this newly created image it will open as normal image.
To open your hidden file, just open this file using Winrar or Winzip (whatever you have chosen) and extract it.
You can also use some soft wares to do this if you think this method is too risk. I would suggest the software named ‘Hide In Picture’ . Hide In Picture is a program that allows you to hide files inside bitmap pictures, using a password.

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