Self-driving Cars Hacked Using a Simple Laser and a Raspberry PI
Self-driving Cars Hacked Using a Simple Laser and a Raspberry PI
The technology companies are moving fast in the direction of bringing more and more intelligence
to their products. Along similar lines, each week we hear new
developments being made in the fields of automobiles and self-driving
vehicles. Google has been testing its self-driving car with great
excitement and sharing the pictures of the interiors of its cute-little self-driving car.
However, the laser ranging (lidar) systems costing thousands of dollars
could be hacked using a simple setup costing about $60.
Jonathan Petit,
Principal Scientist at Security Innovation, says: “I can take echoes of
a fake car and put them at any location I want. And I can do the same
with a pedestrian or a wall.” In a research paper that will be presented
at the Black Hat Europe in November, he tells how a pulse generator and
a low-power laser can fool the car and play with its navigation.
Petit says: “It’s kind of a laser pointer, really. And you don’t need
the pulse generator when you do the attack,” he says. “You can easily
do it with a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino. It’s really off the shelf.”
Also read: Experts Explain The Car Hack Process – How to Hack a Car
Using this kind of system, a hacker can easily trick the self-driving
cars into thinking that something is in front of it and thus slowing it
down. This could also bombard tons of fake signals and car won’t move
fearing of hitting the pedestrians and other fake cars. It should be
noted that recently hackers hacked a jeep running at 70mph on highway
After studying the self-driving cars, Petit came to the conclusion
that sensors used in them are the most vulnerable parts. He calls them
the key point where input starts and if the car will have poor inputs,
it’ll make dangerous decisions. The short-range radar systems for
navigation deployed in these autonomous cars operate in a frequency band
that needs licensing, whereas the lidar systems use hackable laser
light to make a 3D picture of a car and surroundings.
IEEE writes: “Petit’s attack worked at distances up to 100 meters, in
front, to the side or even behind the lidar being attacked and did not
require him to target the lidar precisely with a narrow beam.”
It should be noted that Petit’s system didn’t utilize the
vulnerabilities of the, instead it fooled them by mimicking the objects.
This latest car hacking tells us there are problems that need to be
solved before allowing the self-driving cars to run in the wild.
Security is always a big issue and the loopholes like this could be
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